Tuesday 24 January 2012

Occupational Therapy....setting kids on a new trajectory

Occupational therapy can help children improve behaviour and coordination by focusing on their cognitive, physical, and motor skills. Active intervention by OT experts can help children operate more effectively at school by increasing their concentration and self-esteem.

OT's will intervene with playing and learning and daily activities to ensure the child is achieving the relevant benchmarks for their age group. They work with students who have disabilities to achieve success in the classroom and other learning environments.  Specifically, therapists help students develop fine motor skills, visual motor skills, sensory regulation and physical access.  This could include assistance with awkward pencil grasp, poor core stability and coordination, delayed hand-writing, inability to pay attention in class, right through to autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD.

Working with children can be hugely rewarding and experts in this field are increasingly sort after.  To find great jobs in Occupational Therapy search for opportunities on NHSJobs.

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