Friday 27 January 2012

Bending over Backwards for a Job in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when a patient is impacted by injury, illness or by another disability.  This could involve neuromuscular (brain and nervous system), musculoskeletal (soft tissues, joints and bones), cardiovascular and respiratory systems (heart and lungs and associated physiology).

A career in Physiotherapy offers a variety of exciting and rewarding employment opportunities. With the right qualifications and clinical expertise, options exit to become: 

  • physiotherapist to a national sporting team
  • physiotherapy lecturer in a university
  • researcher for a patient charity dealing with muscular issues
  • consultant physiotherapist in musculoskeletal services
  • owning or working within a private practice or NHS
To find the many exciting jobs in physiotherapy available in the UK, search

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Occupational Therapy....setting kids on a new trajectory

Occupational therapy can help children improve behaviour and coordination by focusing on their cognitive, physical, and motor skills. Active intervention by OT experts can help children operate more effectively at school by increasing their concentration and self-esteem.

OT's will intervene with playing and learning and daily activities to ensure the child is achieving the relevant benchmarks for their age group. They work with students who have disabilities to achieve success in the classroom and other learning environments.  Specifically, therapists help students develop fine motor skills, visual motor skills, sensory regulation and physical access.  This could include assistance with awkward pencil grasp, poor core stability and coordination, delayed hand-writing, inability to pay attention in class, right through to autistic spectrum disorder and ADHD.

Working with children can be hugely rewarding and experts in this field are increasingly sort after.  To find great jobs in Occupational Therapy search for opportunities on NHSJobs.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Nuclear Technology: An Atomic Job in Healthcare....

Nuclear technicians work in the field of nuclear energy...the splitting of atoms through a process called nuclear fission. Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of energy and/or high-energy particles from the nuclei of atoms when they are split.

There are many kinds of roles for nuclear technicians. In the field of healthcare, radionuclides—unstable atoms that emit radiation spontaneously—are used to diagnose and treat disease. Radionuclides are purified and compounded to form radiopharmaceuticals. Nuclear medicine technologists administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients and then monitor the characteristics and functions of tissues or organs in which the drugs localise. Nuclear medicine differs from other diagnostic imaging technologies because it determines the presence of disease on the basis of metabolic changes, rather than changes in organ structure.

Nuclear medicine technologists operate cameras that detect and map the radioactive drug in a patient's body to create diagnostic images. A “scanner,” which creates images of the distribution of a radiopharmaceutical as it localises in and emits signals from the patient's body. The physician can then interpret the images.

NHSJobs adds hundreds of new jobs everyday including exciting roles in nuclear technology.  Join our mailing list to get up-to-date job alerts for nuclear technicians.